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Адрес резюме: https://step-ler.ru/resume/be261aa101.html
Резюме обновлено 9 сентября 2024 г.

Был на сайте
Мужчина, 28 лет, родился 3 декабря 1996 г.
Москва, переезд возможен, готов к командировкам

Brand manager

130 000 руб.
Занятость: полная занятость. График работы: полный день

Опыт работы

Январь 2020 —
декабрь 2020
11 месяцев
Julius Meinl Russia
Brand manager
- Developing the strategy of brand presence in key accounts HoReCa outlets: identifying the scope; delivering the execution plan by tiers; ensuring smooth and quality execution via sales teams and branding agencies. Leading translation of global marketingstrategy to local strategic execution based on local consumer insights. Communication platform and concept development and test. Private label SKU development, coordinating the relaunch of the product conducting multilateral discussion with key account, global financial, R&D and production teams. Leading market analytics and performance ensuring accurate forecasting
Февраль 2019 —
декабрь 2019
10 месяцев
Julius Meinl Russia
Junior brand manager
- Event management (up to 5000 people): fascilitating own brand-events for influencers and media, massive integration into key industrial fairs. Proven effective Digital & PR-campaigns coordination with surpassing KPI targets. Annual marketing strategy development assistance.
Июль 2018 —
январь 2019
6 месяцев
Julius Meinl Russia
Marketing department assistant
Event management (up to 200 people), paper flow, project management assistance
Январь 2018 —
январь 2018
Меньше минуты
Election campaign headquarters
Project coordinator
Coordination and control of signatures collection in 5 regions. Efficient quality-control system set-up and conflicts resolution
Август 2017 —
сентябрь 2017
1 месяц
Election campaign headquarters
Logistics coordinator
Volunteers recruitment, education and coordination. Setting up from scratch one of the best-performing departments. Proven effective coordination of 200 volunteers delivering campaign print materials per mail. Providing more than 2 000 000 cost-efficient contacts with electoral base
Июнь 2016 —
сентябрь 2016
3 месяца
Election campaign headquarters
Project coordinator
Pre-election meetings organization; volunteers coordination.
Facilitating the outstanding pre-election campaign, coordinating
more than 300 volunteers. The campaign received Pollie Awards
2017 and Reed Awards 2016
Июнь 2016 —
июнь 2016
Меньше минуты
Israel open doors Exhibition
Event organizing assistance
Сентябрь 2015 —
декабрь 2015
3 месяца
Estee Design
Sales assistant/cashier
Design projects budgeting

Обо мне

Reliable and team-focused Marketer with 3 years experience in Julius
Meinl Russia in assistant, junior brand-manager and brand-manager roles
Strong expertise in Digital-campaigns, event-management, innovations launch and brand integration
Strong skills in multitasked project-management, creative thinking and strategic approach to all the
brand activities
Passionate in implementing brand strategy into meaningful marketing activations

Образование высшее

Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова, Москва
Humboldt-University in Berlin
Political science, One semester exchange program

Знание языков

Русский — родной
Иностранные языки
АнглийскийA1 — Начальный

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Нет
Разрешение на работу: Нет
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения